Cloth Diaper Reviews
When I first started thinking about switching to cloth diapers I was overwhelmed by the amount of information there was out there! I was so confused....I had no idea what a "pocket" or an AIO was. I had no idea where to start or what to buy. I finally got on the Cloth Diaper Forum on The Mommy Playbook and asked those ladies what I should get to start with. They pointed me in the right direction and I even met up with one of the ladies that lives close and bought some diapers off of her to get started. Without a little direction I don't think I would have made the change, but once I switched there was no looking back.
I will be updating this page through my entire CD journey. I started using cloth diapers on my son in April of 2010....I can't believe its almost been a year! My son was 6 months old. I really wish I would have been educated about cloth before I had him. I can't wait to CD a newborn someday!
<---Here is a picture of my son in his very first cloth diaper!
To start my stash I bought a Flip Day Pack which consisted of 2 Flip Covers and 6 Stay Dry inserts. I also bought some unbleached indian prefolds and 12 gently used no name diapers. The no name diapers were pocket diapers originally purchased off Ebay. They aren't the greatest diapers, but I had less leaks with them than I did with sposies! If I stuff them with a good insert than I don't get leaks at all. Anyway....onto the point of this page. I will be (slowly) reviewing all of the diapers I have tried. This is my honest opinion and is not sponsored by anyone. The diapers are all diapers I have purchased. I'll try to go in the order I bought them!
Flip Hybrid System
BumGenius 3.0
Coming Soon:
Fuzzibunz Perfect Size
Fuzzibunz One Size
Happy Heinys
BumGenius 4.0