Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Inspired by Finn Review

I've always been curious about Baltic Amber Teething necklaces. I used to use Highlands teething tablets for my son and was DEVISTATED when they were recalled! When I got the oppertunity to review a Baltic Amber Teething Necklace from Inspired by Finn I was really excited!
It was hard for me to choose which necklace to order because there are so many cute colors and patterns. In the end I decided on the 4 Different round.
I've wondered if Baltic Amber was all it's cracked up to be. I'm open to try just about anything, and since I could no longer use my beloved Highlands, I needed something to ease my sons suffering!
My son has been working on his molars for months. It started back in December, they finally came in 2 or 3 weeks ago. I noticed a difference in how fussy he was within the first day. At night, to avoid a choaking hazard I would take it off his neck and double wrap it around his ankle. When it was wrapped around his ankle I would either have him in footie jammies or put a sock on over the necklace so it couldn't slip off.

I can't say for sure that Baltic Amber helps. Here is what I can say.......My son was crazy fussy due to teething pain before the Baltic Amber. He would wake up screaming in pain at night. Within the first few days my son acted like his teeth hardly bothered him. He would have occasoinal pain and fussiness, but it was few and far between. I believe that Baltic Amber has helped my baby.  A few weeks ago my son had 6 teeth break through within a week. He acted like it didn't bother him one bit. Those were the last 6 teeth he should get for a while. I'll be leaving his Baltic Amber Necklace on anyway!

Don't know much about Baltic Amber? Check out the Benefits of Baltic Amber and Hazelwood

Buy It: You can purchase any of her Baltic Amber Products HERE
 Inspired by Finn offers Flat Rate Shipping within the US

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1 comment:

  1. I just recently ordered me a necklace for dd whos 1. I can't wait to try it out, espescially after all the good stuff i've heard about them. And yes deciding is a pain in the butt bc of all the choices out there and its so hard :)
