Monday, January 17, 2011

Are you a Cloth Diaper Advocate?

I was asked this question today, and I can honestly say YES. When my son was born, cloth diapering didn't even cross my mind. I wish it was more mainstream! My husband and I were looking for ways to keep the cost of diapers down but cloth was never even an option in our minds. Thanks to some lovely ladies at The Mommy Playbook I was introduced to cloth. Last May I bought my first cloth diapers and! The more I learned about cloth, the more I loved it. And who can deny that they are the cutest things ever! There were several people who thought it was gross and others who just had no idea that cloth diapers had become anything more than prefolds with covers. Some people flat out told me it was a bad idea, even one of our pediatricians criticized me about it! (I don't see her anymore!) I didn't care what anyone said. I knew it was what was best for me and my baby!
I educated myself as much as I could about cloth and disposables. Since then I have converted several people to cloth. I truly have a passion for it. I just got a sewing machine and have decided I'm going to *try* to make some cloth diapers. I'm really excited!
I know cloth isn't for everyone...and I don't try to push it on anyone if they aren't interested, but it is for me. I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. New follower, thanks for following me!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    I myself do not have children but I'm very into anything that is environmentally friendly and I kind of always thought that when/if I do have babies, they will use cloth diapers.

  3. New follower through Military Monday Blog Hop

    My son is 22 months old. We started CD'ing at 16 or 17 months. Never looked back! It's amazing. We have saved money and trash!
    Good luck with the sewing on diapers! I don't know if I am going to try that?!

  4. New email subscriber from Mailbox Mondays:)

    Having Fun Blogging

  5. I've been considering making the change, but I don't know where to start. Any thoughts on the easiest ones for a newbie?

  6. Personally I think one size pocket diapers are the easiest, so its a good place to start. I know a lot of people really love the BumGenius 3.0 or 4.0 as a starter diaper. I am also a really big fan of Fuzzibunz Perfect size diapers.
