What I'm entering (week of January 24th)

Happenings of the Harper Household is hosting a GoGreen wet/dry bag and cloth wipe review and giveaway!!!

Oh So Savvy Mom is hosting a GoGreen "Champ" giveaway....I've been wanting to try this diaper! Good Luck!

The Cloth Diaper Report is hosting a Puj tub giveaway! I would love this for when we decide to have baby #2!

Leslies Boutique is giving away a pail liner....their pail liners are super cute!

Fine and Fair Knickernappies giveaway ending tonight (1/27)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Agoo Leggings Warehouse Cleanout!

Get up to 70% off super cute Agoo Leggings....lots of them are on sale for just $3 and they are offering free shipping on orders over $50

Monday, January 17, 2011

Are you a Cloth Diaper Advocate?

I was asked this question today, and I can honestly say YES. When my son was born, cloth diapering didn't even cross my mind. I wish it was more mainstream! My husband and I were looking for ways to keep the cost of diapers down but cloth was never even an option in our minds. Thanks to some lovely ladies at The Mommy Playbook I was introduced to cloth. Last May I bought my first cloth diapers and fell.in.love! The more I learned about cloth, the more I loved it. And who can deny that they are the cutest things ever! There were several people who thought it was gross and others who just had no idea that cloth diapers had become anything more than prefolds with covers. Some people flat out told me it was a bad idea, even one of our pediatricians criticized me about it! (I don't see her anymore!) I didn't care what anyone said. I knew it was what was best for me and my baby!
I educated myself as much as I could about cloth and disposables. Since then I have converted several people to cloth. I truly have a passion for it. I just got a sewing machine and have decided I'm going to *try* to make some cloth diapers. I'm really excited!
I know cloth isn't for everyone...and I don't try to push it on anyone if they aren't interested, but it is for me. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 2

AHHHHHHHHHHHH......no...really I'm kidding. It wasn't that bad. The kids slept until 6:45! That's what time I had my alarm set for anyway. My sisters youngest actually slept through the night which is not a common thing for him. I was pretty happy about that. Tristan woke up in a great mood....Mackenzie however did not. She walked down the stairs looking CRAZY! Curly hair all poofed up and the grumpiest scour on her face. She was kinda in a mood the whole day! I think it was cause she went to bed too late last night and didn't sleep well the night before. Her and Tristan bickered pretty much the whole time they were together. Her mood drastically improved shortly before dinner time. She ate her food and was a happy camper. Sadly Tristan took a turn for the worse. He wanted to play his game boy instead of eat dinner. He had a breakdown when I told him he had to eat 4 bites of his dinner. Then he ran into the playroom and started to have a fit. I told him he had 2 choices.....throw his tantrum in his room or eat 4 bites of food. He went to his room. He then came down ate his food and then was off to play his gameboy. Just as that happened Mackenzie decided it was her turn. She started to have a tantrum because she wanted to play MOM to the babies and they didn't want to listen to her. When I told her to leave them to play she threw a 30 minute full blown tantrum. She knew I would make her go to her room, so she just went before she started. By the time she finished she was exhausted.
I used the last of the milk this morning and REALLY didn't want to take 4 kids to the store. I called my step mom and she said she would bring some by on her way home from work. She arrived shortly after Mackenzie finished her fit. They were all happy to see her. By the time she left it was bedtime! Mackenzie passed out in about 2 seconds flat. Tristan went down no problem.....and both babies just laid down and went right to sleep. I'm not what I did to deserve that but I am thanking my stars for it!
The best part of today was this morning after dropping the two older kids off at school. I headed to my brothers house for a play date with my sister in law and their little boy (who is 3 weeks older than Devin) the boys had so much fun together. We don't really get the chance to have just the 3 boys play. It started snowing when we were there so we bundled them up and went out side. It took close to 40 minutes to get them all dressed to go outside....we were out for about 10! I guess thats just how it goes!
I'm looking forward to a great day tomorrow too. Planning to hang out with my sister in law again, but this time with all of the kids. Not sure what we will do but surely it will be a blast.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 1

I heard a knock on the door, looked at the clock and saw that it was 5am. It was time. My sister's ride to the airport had arrived and I was about to face this challenge. I laid back down when they walked out the door but quickly realized that may be the only time today I get a chance to take a shower. I got up, started the coffee, and jumped in the shower. When I got out all 4 children were still asleep. Aiden was sleeping on the couch so I curled up with him hoping to catch just a few more minutes of sleep. I think I may have fallen back asleep for a few minutes but the next thing I know my 6 year old niece was in the living room telling me she decided to get up a little early so she had some extra time. It was 6:15. She normally gets up at 7:30. Anyway, I got her to school on time and was feeling quite successful when I got both babies down for naps at the same time. The day was going really good! All 3 boys were so good....until I picked Mac up from school! From that point on was a challenge. 6yr old and 4 yr old bickering....babies getting grumpy....kids didn't want to shower....etc. I'm sure you know how it can be. About 9PM I finally got them all to sleep. I cleaned up a bit and started the last load of laundry for the day. I'm wiped out, yet I really don't think I'll be falling asleep anytime soon. I feel that today was mostly a success....well as much of a success as it can be when you go from being a mom of one to a mom of four in a matter of minutes. I'll let you know if I still have my sanity tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mom of 4...EEK

I am headed to my sisters house to take on the challenge of playing Mom of 4! She is headed to Cancun and I am nice (or crazy) enough that I said I would take care of her kids. This should be fun.....Her daughter is 6, and she has two sons that are 4 and 19 months. Throw my 14 month old into the mix and I am looking at a crazy week. I am thrilled to get to spend that much time with my niece and nephews. Normally I only get to see them on quick day or two long trips. I have always said I wanted 4 kids....so we'll see if I change my mind by Monday! LOL.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What are your favorite diapers?

I have progressively changed my favorite diaper several times in my cloth diapering journey. When I started cloth diapering I purchased several cheap pocket diapers off of eBay, a FLIP stay dry day pack, and some unbleached Indian prefolds. I then added a FLIP organic. I fell in love with the Flip system and I was amazed at how dry my son stayed! I loved how absorbent the organic inserts were. I was surprised that even the prefolds did a pretty good job of keeping him dry and not leaking (despite being a bit bulky.) I really loved cloth diapering in general and I could not wait to add to my stash. My next addition to our stash was Grobaby. I really wanted to love these diapers...but just found they didn't work for us. I then sold the Grobaby's and purchased a couple Rumparooz. The Rumparooz quickly became my favorite diaper. I purchased several more as seconds knowing there was a chance of delamination. When the new Fuzzibunz Perfect size came out I got a couple of them to try. They were great and have actually become my go to diaper. Just wondering what are your some of your favorites? I wonder if I will stick with my Fuzzibunz or will something else take its place? 

Great info!

Here is some great info for those of you who are new to Cloth diapers or are thinking about using cloth diapers. Hope it helps!

Doable Diapers Part 1

Doable Diapers Part 2

Doable Diapers

Monday, January 3, 2011


I just have to say I love this site! I'm a sucker for a deal anyway, but lately they have had some great ones! Check them out! Sign up for email updates and you can stay up to date on all of their deals!

Mailbox Monday

Hello and welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by! If you are stopping by on the blog hop just leave me a comment here and I will make sure I follow you back!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


OK I can admit it....I am a giveaway JUNKIE! Here are some of the giveaways I have entered this week:
1. Familylicious Pillow Pets Snuggly Puppy Review & Giveaway Ends January 16th
2. Familiylicious Silhouette Review & Giveaway Holy cow....I've never seen a giveaway with so many entries! Ends
3. Mama B Sunshine Kids Car Seat Giveaway Ends 1/15
4. Happenings of the Harper Household Thirsties Duo Diaper Ends 1/7
5. Happenings of the Harper Household Rockin Green Giveaway! Ends 1/9
6. Life With My Littles Thirsties Duo Wrap Ends 1/5
7. Oh So Savvy Mom $10 Abby's lane certificate Ends Tomorrow (1/3)
8. Oh So Savvy Mom Dr. Bloom's Chewable Jewels Ends Tomorrow (1/3)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rockin Green giveaway!

Hosted by Happenings of the Harper Household
I love all the Rockin Green giveaways going on!

Goodbye 2010....I don't think I'll miss you....much

2010 was a challenging year. Though there were a lot of good times we were tested in ways I couldn't have imagined. There were a lot of changes made and I think we learned to appreciate things a little more than we used to. Thankfully, even with the challenges our entire family faced, we all made it to see 2011. That I am thankful for. It is with much hope that I start a new year. Why does the clock hitting midnight on one day each year change anything? Maybe it doesn't, but this year it gives me hope. HAPPY NEW YEAR!